Webflow vs WordPress: Which is the best platform to create your website?

Mar Rojas & Carmen Mora

There are many platforms for creating websites, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will compare two of the most popular ones: Webflow and WordPress.

Webflow is a cloud-based SaaS website builder that offers an intuitive drag-and-drop user interface

It is a good choice for web designers and people with no web development experience who want to create a professional website easily without having to learn how to code.

WordPress is an open source content management system (CMS)

It is a more flexible option than Webflow, as it offers a wider variety of themes and plugins. However, it is also more complex to learn and use. It is a good option for developer users who want to create complex websites.

Now that we have clarified the basic differences of each, let's look at Webflow Vs WordPress based on different factors:

Ease of use: Webflow is easier to use than WordPress, as it offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface. WordPress requires more technical knowledge to use.

Customization: WordPress offers greater flexibility and customization than Webflow. Webflow offers a more limited feature set, but still allows users to customize their website significantly. In addition, its community is one of the most active and you will find templates for everything you can imagine, which will make your work easier.

Cost: Webflow’s pricing may appear higher initially, but it includes access to high-quality internal tools, ensuring a seamless website-building experience. In contrast, WordPress, while free itself, often relies on external plugins whose costs can vary significantly. Users must consider expenses for premium plugins, hosting, and domains, making the overall cost of a WordPress website more variable and potentially higher in the long run.Additionally, WordPress requires more investment in maintenance because you need to update the WordPress version, PHP, and plugins, whereas Webflow does not require these types of updates.

Security: Webflow offers built-in security that includes measures such as two-factor authentication and malware scanning. WordPress requires users to install security plugins to protect their website.

SEO: Both Webflow and WordPress offer SEO features that help websites rank well in search results. Webflow offers some more advanced SEO features than WordPress, such as image optimization and website performance tracking.

As you may notice, Webflow is a good option for users with no web development experience who want to create a professional website without having to learn how to code. WordPress is a good choice for developers who want to create complex websites.

The best platform for you will depend on your needs and experience. If you are a beginner, Webflow is a good choice.

We have summarized this information in a comparative:

         Factor                 |       Webflow            |         Wordpress           

Ease of use:                   Easy to use             Requires technical knowledge

Customization:            Limited                    Flexible

Cost:                               Depend on the project             Depend on the project 

Security:                         Integrated              Requires plugins

SEO:                               Advanced                Basic

Type:                              SaaS                        CMS

Best for:                         Non-technical team, developers              Development, developers

Maintenance:             Not required           Required

New features that make a difference.

In 2023, Webflow launched a number of new features, some of the most notable of which are:

  • Logic: a new tool that allows you to create rules and conditions to control the behavior of websites.
  • Components:** a new way to create reusable blocks of code and design.
  • Variable Fonts: a new way to use fonts on websites, allowing to change font size, weight and other font attributes without having to load a new font.
  • CMS: Add more than 10,000 Items:** the ability to add more than 10,000 content items to a web site.
  • Multi-language pages: the ability to easily create multi-language websites.
  • Memberships: a new way to create membership websites.
  • New account types, Freelance and Agency: two new account types, Freelance and Agency, offering features and pricing tailored to the needs of these users.
  • Page Branching: a new feature that allows you to create different versions of a web page.
  • Webflow Marketplace: A new marketplace where users can buy and sell components, applications and other resources.
  • Webflow Experts: A new certification program for Webflow professionals.
  • Component Libraries: A new component management system that makes it easy to organize and share components.
  • Webflow Apps: A new way to create web applications without code.
  • Webflow API:** A new API to integrate Webflow with other applications and services.
  • DevLink: A new tool that allows developers to create reusable React components from Webflow.
  • Webflow Community + Webflow Grants: a new initiative that supports the Webflow community through grants and other programs.

Comparison of Webflow vs Wordpress with new features in 2023


  • Webflow: Allows you to create rules and conditions to control the behavior of websites. For example, it can be used to create a website that is only available to registered users or to create a website that changes its content depending on the user's location.
  • WordPress: does not offer a similar feature.


  • Webflow: Allows you to create reusable blocks of code and design. This makes it easier to create consistent and customized websites.
  • WordPress: Allows you to create reusable templates for pages and blog posts. This also makes it easier to create consistent websites.

Variable sources

  • Webflow: It allows you to change font size, weight and other font attributes without having to load a new font. This makes it easier to create websites with elegant and adaptable typography.
  • WordPress: It supports variable fonts, but requires the installation of a plugin.


  • Webflow: Allows you to add more than 10,000 content items to a website. This is useful for complex websites with a lot of content.
  • WordPress: There is no limit to the number of content elements that can be added to a website.

Multilingual pages

  • Webflow: It allows you to easily create multilingual websites. This is useful for companies or organizations that want to reach a global audience.
  • WordPress: Supports multilingual websites.


  • Webflow: Allows you to create membership websites. This is useful for companies or organizations that want to offer exclusive content or services to their members.
  • WordPress: There are WordPress plugins that allow you to create membership websites.

Account types

  • Webflow: It offers two new account types, Freelance and Agency, which offer features and pricing tailored to the needs of these users.
  • WordPress: It does not offer specific account plans for freelancers or agencies.

Page branch

  • Webflow: Allows you to create different versions of a web page. This is useful for testing different designs or for creating versions of the website for different languages or regions.
  • WordPress: Does not offer a similar function.


  • Webflow: Provides a marketplace where users can buy and sell components, applications and other resources.
  • WordPress: There are third-party plugins and themes that offer components, applications and other resources.


  • Webflow: Offers a certification program for Webflow professionals.
  • WordPress: There is no official WordPress certification program for professionals.

Component libraries

  • Webflow: It offers a new component management system that makes it easy to organize and share components.
  • WordPress: It does not offer a similar function.

Web applications

  • Webflow: Allows you to create web applications without code.
  • WordPress: There are WordPress plugins that allow you to create web applications without code.


  • Webflow: It offers a new API to integrate Webflow with other applications and services.
  • WordPress: There is a WordPress API that allows you to integrate WordPress with other applications and services.


  • Webflow: It offers a new tool that allows developers to create reusable React components from Webflow.
  • WordPress: It does not offer a similar function.

+250 projects in Webflow

Surely you know that Minimum.run is a Marketing Growth and Strategic Design agency, but did you know that we currently have +250 projects in Webflow, if you would like to know more about the tool you can write to us and we will gladly answer your questions: https://www.minimum.run/es

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