

Client Location

USA, Spain


Careexpand, a company focused on innovation in the healthcare sector, needed to renew its digital presence to align with its mission of connecting patients and healthcare professionals efficiently. The goal was to modernise their visual identity, improve the user experience, and develop a website that was not only aesthetically appealing, but also functional and secure.


  • Visual and Corporate Identity: We renewed its image to reflect innovation and reliability.
  • Powerful Web Design: We developed a modern design focused on usability.
  • Webflow Development: We implemented a secure and efficient website using Webflow, ensuring high performance and flexibility.
  • Intuitive CMS: We chose Webflow as CMS to facilitate agile and autonomous content management.
  • Compelling Content Writing: Optimisation and creation of content aligned with the new brand strategy.


The redesign improved the user experience and strengthened brand identity, while Webflow enabled much more efficient content management.

What our clients say
What our clients say
Vlad Magdalin
Co-founder & CEO at Webflow

"I'm a huge fan of the Minimum team and everything they're doing! We've partnered with them for many years to build sites for large enterprises, including the likes of PagoNxt. They were also close partners in helping us build Webflow Localization, a feature that both of our teams are incredibly proud of. I highly recommend working with them to build and scale stellar marketing sites and beyond."

What our clients say
Johan Schwind
Managing Director at UrbanX
"The team at minimum has been excellent at designing, developing and delivering our new site."
What our clients say
Dina Radenkovic
CEO of Gameto
"Thanks for the awesome website, your team are great, pleasure to work with you."
What our clients say
Rika Christanto
COO of Idoven
"I want to thank you very much for all the hard work (…), proud of how we are presenting the story of Idoven to the world."

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